Semester-/Bachelor Projects and Master Theses
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Commissioning and Further Development of the Shuttle Pump
An electric drive system for the ShuttlePump, a new concept for an artificial implantable heart, was developed during the last years. The fully manufactured pump prototype is now available for completing the commissioning and the detailed assessment of the electric and hydrodynamic properties.
Semester Project , Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-03-04 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Design and Realization of a Lightweight Cryogenic DC-DC Converter for Airborne Applications
This thesis investigates the gravimetric power density limits of a buck-boost dc-dc converter at cryogenic temperatures through multi-objective optimization. Initially, the behavior of power electronic components at cryogenic temperatures is studied and then implemented in a multi-objective optimization framework. Finally, a 15 kW prototype shall be built to validate the results.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-03-04 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Realization and Characterization of a Transcutaneous Energy Transfer System
Percutaneous drivelines are the major cause for infections after implanting a me-chanical circulatory support system (e.g., a ventricular assist device or a total arti-ficial heart). Inductive power transfer systems are a promising alternative. The main challenges are the heating of the tissue and the limited allowed power dissipation for implanted power electronics.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-30 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Development of the Auxiliary Drive Train System for Mobile Applications (EHS and xPTOs)
Electrification of mobile machinery and trucks requires electrohydraulic systems (EHS) and xPTOs for auxiliary functions. In this project, you will model, simulate, and finally propose the auxiliary drive train. All components must be modeled and the main focus will be on the E-motor and drive. The implementation of the auxiliary power train tool is in Matlab/Simulink.
Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Design and Construction of a Remotely Controlled Variable Power Inductor
Accurate soft-switching loss measurements require a wide range of inductances to evaluate switching losses at various turn-on currents. Using a discrete set of inductances is inefficient and time-consuming, making a high-current variometer with mechanically adjustable inductance a more desirable solution especially when considering the possibility of remote adjustment via a MATLAB script.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Design and Testing of a Hybrid EMI Input Filter for a Three-Phase Inverter
In this project, you will design and characterize a hybrid EMI filter topology. This involves first understanding the underlying theory and then implementing a promising hybrid EMI input filter concept for a three-phase inverter. Ultimately, the goal is to develop and test the EMI filter and evaluate the performance by comparing it to measurement results from other filter topologies.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Systemanalyse mit Linearmotoren
In industriellen Mehrachsensystemen können mechanische Kopplungen und be-grenzte Steifigkeiten zu unerwünschtem Betriebsverhalten führen. Es soll ein Sys-temanalyse-Tool entwickelt werden, das mithilfe der integrierten Servomotoren au-tomatisierte Messungen durchführen sowie positionsabhängige mechanische Kopplungen und Schwingneigungen ermitteln, analysieren und visualisieren kann.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Single-Pair-Ethernet-Echtzeitkommunikation für ein Servomotorsystem
Ein Servoantriebssystem soll durch Single-Pair-Ethernet (≥10 Mbit/s) modernisiert werden, wobei das bestehende Motorkabel genutzt wird. Dazu wird eine neue Motorsensorik mit Ethernet-Schnittstelle und Echtzeitkommunikation entwickelt und deren Funktion und Robustheit bei betriebenem Motor verifiziert.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Design and Optimization of a Modular System for Lab-Scale Filtration Processes in Bioprocessing
Levitronix provides essential bioprocessing components like magnetically levitated pumps, flow sensors, and viscometers that can be used in many biotechnological applications. This project focuses on designing a modular system that allows to flexibly combine the components for various laboratory applications.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Fluid Dynamic Simulation and Optimization of a Bearingless Bottom Agitator for Bioreactors
Magnetically supported bottom mixers offer great practical advantages for bioreactors, but it must be shown that the mixing tasks can be performed equivalently to the stirring rods used to date. This is to be demonstrated in this work by means of CFD simulations and measurements.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Design and Optimization of a Bistable Pinch Valve System with a Dual-Slot
Levitronix provides essential bioprocessing components such as magnetically levitated pumps, flow sensors, and pinch valves, which are used in various biotechnological applications. This project focuses on the design and optimization of a bistable pinch valve system with a dual tube slot.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Design of a Single-Stage Isolated Natural Ohmic Mains Behavior Fixed Voltage Transfer Ratio Three-Phase Rectifier
In the above converter topology, the series-resonant compensation of the trans-former leakage inductance and operation of the system at the resonance frequency results in a load-independent dc output voltage, directly defined by the grid voltage amplitude, and natural ohmic mains behavior, i.e., sinusoidal input currents, with-out any closed-loop control.
Semester Project , Bachelor Thesis , Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie
Development of Control Concept for an Electrically Excited Synchronous Machine
In this master thesis, field-oriented control (FOC) of an electrically excited synchronous machine (EESM) for mobile applications will be developed in Matlab/Simulink.
Master Thesis
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Published since: 2025-01-23 , Earliest start: 2025-02-17 , Latest end: 2025-09-01
Applications limited to ETH Zürich
Organization Power Electronic Systems Laboratory
Hosts Schnyder-Lieberherr Yvonne
Topics Ingenieurwesen und Technologie